"Cancer can be defeated" This phrase has served as a rallying cry for sick cancer patients for decades, but a growing number of scientific research henceforth come to the conclusion that the most effective weapon against this disease remains prevention.
"We know that the epidemic of cancer today is due to many carcinogenic substances in the air, water and food," said Liz Armstrong who co-authored the book Cancer: 101 Solutions to Preventable Epidemic.
Most products we use daily, whether at home, at school or at work, contain many carcinogenic substances. Some pesticides, for example, have mostly been associated with lymphoma, leukemia as well as cancers of the prostate, lung, breast and ovaries cancers. When polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, found in both the exhaust from trucks and cars and second hand smoke from cigarettes, they are associated with lung cancers, skin cancers, bladder cancers and kidney cancers. In addition, a causal link was established between formaldehyde (a substance commonly used in furniture manufacturing chipboard) and cancer of the lymphatic system and brain tumors. In identifying and eliminating carcinogenic agents present in the environment, we contribute to the prevention of this devastating disease.
Half of the cancers can be prevented
In its annual report titled General Statistics for cancer in 2010 and made public last month, the Canadian Association of Cancer says that "at least 50 percent of cancers can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle and policies to promote a healthy environment. Same stories from our southern neighbors, who wrote in their annual report of the National Cancer Institute's President's Cancer Panel, published last May. " According to our researches, at least one half of all new cancer cases and all deaths caused by this disease at a global scale could be avoided. In addition to our right of access to information and our duty of inquiry, we also have an obligation to act," said the cancer survivor and research scientist and author of Living Downstream,Sandra Steingraber. After her, the key to cancer prevention is based on the abolition of all known carcinogenic agents. "Actually, the public history of cancer is very encouraging. It tells us that the environment plays a role much greater than we thought. Each person represents a given point and our goal is to succeed in finding a solution to the problem. "
Rare genetic causes
Carcinogenic agents cause mutations in certain genes, which ultimately lead to cancer, it is estimated that approximately two thirds of all cancers are caused by the presence of these substances in the environment and they could be completely eradicated. I would have become very depressed if science had proved that our genes were to blame, "says Steingraber, but in reality, only 5 percent of all cancers are caused by our genetic factors. We can not change the past, but we can ensure that our systems and agricultural industries no longer depend on all sorts of toxic products. We can prevent cancer by protecting people against the causes of the disease.
Products associated with various types of cancer
May cause cancer of the lymphatic system.
Source: Production of synthetic materials and rubber.
May cause leukemia and cancer of the kidney or liver.
Sources: Dry Cleaning, Production of textiles, steam cleaning of metals.
Can cause soft tissue sarcoma, malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, also leukemia, prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
May cause cancer of the lung, pancreas, kidney, prostate and breast.
Source: electroplating, leather tanning, textiles protection.
Causes cancer of the lung, pancreas, kidney, prostate and breast.
Sources: Coal, power plants, incineration, production of plastic materials.
May cause mesothelioma
Source: Isolation coverage, cement, jacket fireproof linings.
May cause cancer of the cervix uterus, kidney and liver, Hodgkin's disease and multiple myeloma.
Sources: Degreasers, adhesive products, paints, coatings.
Can cause a severe form of myeloid leukemia.
Sources: Emission of carbon dioxide, water purifying plants, smoking.
Polycyclic aromatic compounds
Can cause cancer of the lung, skin, of the bladder, kidney and larynx.
Source: Heating, carbon dioxide, second hand smoke.
Can cause leukemia, lymphatic cancer, and brain tumors.
Sources: Construction material (wood agglomerate), second hand smoke, combustion appliances.
Dioxins and furans
Can cause lung cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Sources: waste incinerators, steel mills, diesel, wood fireplace, power plants.
Prevention measures
1. Filter your tap.
2. Store your water in steel containers. (this will reduce exposure to contaminants and the production of plastic materials)
3. If you use a microwave oven, heat your food in a ceramic container rather than a plastic container.
4. Avoid using pesticides.
5. Eat organic food. (No pesticides, fertilizers or growth hormones)
6. Reduce your consumption of red meat and avoid processed meats.
7. Throw away expired medicines, store your paints and Household products in a suitable location.
8. Buy No toxic products.
9. Watch out for high emissions of radon inside your home.
10. Avoid second hand smoke.
"We know that the epidemic of cancer today is due to many carcinogenic substances in the air, water and food," said Liz Armstrong who co-authored the book Cancer: 101 Solutions to Preventable Epidemic.
Most products we use daily, whether at home, at school or at work, contain many carcinogenic substances. Some pesticides, for example, have mostly been associated with lymphoma, leukemia as well as cancers of the prostate, lung, breast and ovaries cancers. When polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, found in both the exhaust from trucks and cars and second hand smoke from cigarettes, they are associated with lung cancers, skin cancers, bladder cancers and kidney cancers. In addition, a causal link was established between formaldehyde (a substance commonly used in furniture manufacturing chipboard) and cancer of the lymphatic system and brain tumors. In identifying and eliminating carcinogenic agents present in the environment, we contribute to the prevention of this devastating disease.
Half of the cancers can be prevented
In its annual report titled General Statistics for cancer in 2010 and made public last month, the Canadian Association of Cancer says that "at least 50 percent of cancers can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle and policies to promote a healthy environment. Same stories from our southern neighbors, who wrote in their annual report of the National Cancer Institute's President's Cancer Panel, published last May. " According to our researches, at least one half of all new cancer cases and all deaths caused by this disease at a global scale could be avoided. In addition to our right of access to information and our duty of inquiry, we also have an obligation to act," said the cancer survivor and research scientist and author of Living Downstream,Sandra Steingraber. After her, the key to cancer prevention is based on the abolition of all known carcinogenic agents. "Actually, the public history of cancer is very encouraging. It tells us that the environment plays a role much greater than we thought. Each person represents a given point and our goal is to succeed in finding a solution to the problem. "
Rare genetic causes
Carcinogenic agents cause mutations in certain genes, which ultimately lead to cancer, it is estimated that approximately two thirds of all cancers are caused by the presence of these substances in the environment and they could be completely eradicated. I would have become very depressed if science had proved that our genes were to blame, "says Steingraber, but in reality, only 5 percent of all cancers are caused by our genetic factors. We can not change the past, but we can ensure that our systems and agricultural industries no longer depend on all sorts of toxic products. We can prevent cancer by protecting people against the causes of the disease.
Products associated with various types of cancer
May cause cancer of the lymphatic system.
Source: Production of synthetic materials and rubber.
May cause leukemia and cancer of the kidney or liver.
Sources: Dry Cleaning, Production of textiles, steam cleaning of metals.
Can cause soft tissue sarcoma, malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, also leukemia, prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
May cause cancer of the lung, pancreas, kidney, prostate and breast.
Source: electroplating, leather tanning, textiles protection.
Causes cancer of the lung, pancreas, kidney, prostate and breast.
Sources: Coal, power plants, incineration, production of plastic materials.
May cause mesothelioma
Source: Isolation coverage, cement, jacket fireproof linings.
May cause cancer of the cervix uterus, kidney and liver, Hodgkin's disease and multiple myeloma.
Sources: Degreasers, adhesive products, paints, coatings.
Can cause a severe form of myeloid leukemia.
Sources: Emission of carbon dioxide, water purifying plants, smoking.
Polycyclic aromatic compounds
Can cause cancer of the lung, skin, of the bladder, kidney and larynx.
Source: Heating, carbon dioxide, second hand smoke.
Can cause leukemia, lymphatic cancer, and brain tumors.
Sources: Construction material (wood agglomerate), second hand smoke, combustion appliances.
Dioxins and furans
Can cause lung cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Sources: waste incinerators, steel mills, diesel, wood fireplace, power plants.
Prevention measures
1. Filter your tap.
2. Store your water in steel containers. (this will reduce exposure to contaminants and the production of plastic materials)
3. If you use a microwave oven, heat your food in a ceramic container rather than a plastic container.
4. Avoid using pesticides.
5. Eat organic food. (No pesticides, fertilizers or growth hormones)
6. Reduce your consumption of red meat and avoid processed meats.
7. Throw away expired medicines, store your paints and Household products in a suitable location.
8. Buy No toxic products.
9. Watch out for high emissions of radon inside your home.
10. Avoid second hand smoke.
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