Drinking Water Purification

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to Navigate This Minefield
Have you read about this recently? At any point of time, more than 2,100 carcinogenic chemicals can be found in tap water. Drinking water purification has become the need of the hour in order to protect our families from the huge health risks contaminated water carries.
To be able to do effective drinking water purification, we first need to know what we are up against -
Chemicals There are all kinds of new chemicals being manufactured by industries every day for different purposes. And sooner or later, these chemicals are bound to make their way into our water supplies through the lakes and rivers the industrial waste is dumped into.

Some chemicals like chlorine and chloramines are deliberately added into the water supply by the municipals to sanitize it of germs like bacteria. While this does help in preventing the outbreak of water borne diseases, chlorine itself is a deadly carcinogen and shouldn't be allowed to make its way into your body.
Organic matter Dead insects, leaves, bark from the trees, animal feces - all of this can and does get added into our water supply. Not only are they detrimental for health by themselves, they also react with the chemicals present in water like chlorine and form new dangerous chemicals like THMs (Trihalomethanes), which are even more harmful.
Heavy Metals As the water passes through the rusty old pipes of the water distribution network, it leeches some of the asbestos and lead from the joints of the pipes. Drinking such metal laced water can cause health problems like hearing loss, brain damage, ADD, and even Mesothelioma.
Now, let's talk about the techniques of drinking water purification.
The common techniques like Distillation are not very effective here. A distiller boils the water and collects the vapors in a separate chamber. So the contaminants are left behind, and you get purified water as the output.
The problem is - some chemicals like chlorine also boil easily and get collected along with the water vapor. So the purified water is still not really clean and safe to use.
Reverse Osmosis filters are also not capable of removing chemicals with small molecular size, as they easily pass through the semi permeable membrane these filters use for separating the water molecules from contaminants.
What you really need for effective drinking water purification is a purifier that combines the power of multiple purification techniques like Carbon filtration, Ion Exchange and Sub Micron filtration. This ensures all possible impurities from the water are removed and it is made absolutely safe for drinking.
Your next step? To find out a quality purifier that can give you 100% clean and safe drinking water.
Daniel Woods is a dedicated advocate and researcher of the benefits of safe, clean, healthy filtered water. If you want to know how to choose a water purifier, visit - http://www.waterpurifierhome.com/ and learn about the products our editors personally use and recommend.


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